Monday, 3 December 2012

Music Magazine Double Page Analysis

The double page spread is of a famous rock band called My Chemical Romance. One page has the main image of the lead singer of the band, which will catch the attention of the audience. Also, the images are action shots of the band which shows them in concert, and rehearsing. This will give the audience the impression that they are a dedicated and interesting band and then they'll want to read more about them.
The other page has smaller images, which makes the page appear more attractive, and since it’s in black and white it fits in with the colour scheme and looks professional. The title goes over both pages and over the centrefold; however the letters have been strategically placed so none of the title is covered or cut off, this will make it easy to read and the audience will be enticed into reading the article. The largest text is the title, and it's also in a font that suits the target audience and the bands genre of music. The red and white stay in with colour scheme and stand out against the black background. The actual article is on the second page, so the audience aren't put off by the amount of writing, and also makes it easier for them to follow.

This double page spread is of the two artists Miles Kane and Alex Turner. Both pages have a main image of the singers, this will tell the audience the subject of this article and attract the target audience into reading. The fact that the images are in black and white makes the article looks classic, neat and professional. Also, one of the men is looking straight out towards the reader, which gives them the sense of involvement and persuades them to look at the pages.
The largest text is the title, which goes over both pages and over the centrefold, so it grabs the audiences’ eye. It's at the top of the page, which is effective since it allows room for the main images and the article itself. The title also uses colour, which makes it highlighted due to the monotonous background, and makes the page more attractive to look at. The colour scheme is simple yet complimentary and works well with the article.
The second largest text is beside Miles Kane, which gives a brief hint on what the article is about. The text is in bold and uses colour on 'Miles Kane', 'Alex Turner' and 'Last of the Shadow Puppets' which are the subjects of the article, and this will interest the audience into reading.

Music Magazine Questionnaire, Analysis and How the results will effect construction

Magazine Questionnaire

How old are you?
Under 10          11-20          21-30          31-40          41-50          51+      

What genre of music are you into? (Circle)

Rock          Pop          Indie          Rap          Classical          R&B

Other/s (please state) ………………………………....................................

Does the genre of music you listen to influence your clothing?

What usually persuades you to buy a music magazine?

How often do you buy music magazines?

What do you like to read in a music magazine?

How much would you pay for a magazine?

What music magazines do you like?


In conclusion, my Questionnaire has given me the information that the target audience of my music magazine will be people in the age range of 11-20, and that the most common genre of music they listened to was Rock. This genre of music will attract my target audience to the magazine.

The most popular features to the magazine were band interviews and latest music in the rock charts. This helps me understand what my target audience are interested in, so I can include it in the magazine and attract them to it.

8 out of 10 people said that the music they listen to influences their fashion, so including photos of people from the Rock genre wearing clothes that relate to that genre could possibly attract more people to my magazine

Finally, a majority of my audience said the music magazines that they like are Q, Kerrang and Rolling Stone. I can get ideas from these magazines so I can make my own music magazine suitable for my target audience.

Explanation of how the results will effect my construction:

 In my music magazine, I am going to have a single artist as the main image on the cover so they are the main focus, and this will leave more space to include more sell lines and make the cover look neat and appealing to the target audience. I will use snappy sell lines so that they will entice the audience into reading the magazine.
I'm going to use a red, white and black colour scheme, since they are colours that relate to the Rock genre and they also look more crisp and professional on a magazine.

Since the majority of people who answered the Questionnaire were aged 11-20, I will be aiming my magazine at that age group. I will have to have information that would appeal to that particular audience, and the presentation would have to be eye-catching to them too, so that they will want to buy my music magazine.