Tuesday, 18 September 2012

College Magazine Cover Analysis

College Magazine Cover 1:

The masthead is partially covered by the girl however you can still make out what it's meant to say. It uses a bright red text that stands out against the background. The font is large, simple and clear, making it easy to read. With these features, It catches your eye and draws you in, getting the audiences attention.
It uses several sell lines around the image of the girl, some of which are in bold, normal, capital letters and italic.

The colours of the sell lines stand out against the background also, and since it's an American magazine, the blue and the red of the text makes the cover look patriotic, since these colours are on the American flag, and not only this, the colours are suitable to both genders, which will also make the audience more attracted to the magazine.
The sell lines are also relevant to the target audience, as the language used is basic and informative to what the magazine is about. Finally, the top right hand corner and bottom right hand corner gives additional information on the issue date and the price of the magazine, which will make the audience more inclined to buy it.
The main image is of a girl -who looks to be a college student- which would hint towards the actual target audience. Since it's an upper-body shot of her, we can clearly see that she's smiling and stood looking directly out towards us, which gives the audience the impression that she is happy to be at college, which would draw the audience in and make it much more appealing. The image covers almost the whole of the front cover, and the colours of her outfit also match the colour scheme of the text. The quality of the image and the angle of it also creates a more professional look, making the audience more likely to want to buy it.

College Magazine Cover 2:

The masthead is partially covered by the boys head, however it's still readable. This shows confidence in the magazine as they don't see the need to show the masthead fully, and this also draws the audience to the magazine. It uses a bright green text that stands out against the dark background. The font is large, basic and clear, making it easy for the audience to read.

The sell lines stand out against the background, the magazines colour scheme is green, white and black. There is a 'puff' on the right side of the boy which is in a totally different colour to the text, which will catch the audiences attention and make them more inclined to look at the cover. The sell lines are in a range of different formats, such as bold, normal, and capital letters, but they all stay the same font. 
The sell lines are relevant to the target audience, as the language used is informative to the theme of the magazine.

On this magazine, it includes a skyline which adds extra - and probably more important - information. This is really small however, and blends into the background, so it's unlikely to grab the audiences attention unless they are close up.
 Finally, at the top left hand corner and the bottom left hand corner gives additional information on the issue date and the price of the magazine, which will make the audience more inclined to buy it.

The main image is of a boy holding books, and looks to be around 16-17, which would hint towards the intended target audience. Since it's an upper-body shot of him, we can clearly see his features and that he's smiling and stood looking directly out towards us, which gives the impression is happy to be at college and this would be appealing to the audience and also may influence them to buy the magazine.
The image covers the whole of the front cover, including part of the masthead and the colours of his outfit create a smart and sophisticated look. The quality and perspective of the image looks professional, making the audience more likely to buy it.

College Magazine Cover 3:

The masthead is partially covered by this images head, but you can still read it. This shows an element of confidence in the magazine since they don't show the full masthead, and also entices the audience to the magazines cover. It uses a bright orange text that stands out against the plain white background. They use a font that is simple and easy to read.
The sell lines colours are striking against the background, since it uses bright, bold colours and are in a range of different formats, such as bold, normal, and capital letters, and seem to remain a consistent font and the colours fit to both genders, this makes it more appealing to the audience. 

The sell lines are relevant to the them of the magazine and also to the audience it is aimed at. The language used is formal and informative.
This magazine includes a skyline which is in a thin, small text and doesn't really stand out against the background, which doesn't really catch the attention of the audience unless they are already looking at the magazine.
 Finally, at the top right hand corner and the bottom left hand corner gives the audience information on the issue date and the price of the magazine. The placement of these two pieces of information is good, since it gets you to look all over the cover of the magazine, which will make the audience more inclined to buy it since they get a good look at the whole of the cover.
The main image is of a male, who doesn't look of a college age, which wouldn't really hint towards the target audience. It is an upper-body shot of him, we can see that he's posing and looking directly out towards the audience, which doesn't give the impression of anything about college, however this may be appealing to parents whose children are about to go to college and this would be appealing to them.
The image covers the whole of the front cover, including part of the masthead, and since the image is in black and white, it gives a more sophisticated look. The quality and perspective of the image looks professional, making the audience more inclined to buy it.

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